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We continue to be targeted in our breeding program and strive for excellence in the profitable and productive traits. Some highlights inlcude;
Kentish Downs ranks 7 of the top 14 2023 drop rams rams for post weaning weight in the Sheep Genetics Terminal Database.
Kentish Downs ranks 4 of the top 14 2023 drop rams for post eye muscle depth in the Sheep Genetics Terminal Database.
In the 2023-2024 season, Kentish Downs will sell more than 400 rams.
We have simultaneously tripled the size of the stud, improved the Lambplan Terminal Carcase Production Index (TCP) from breed average to the top 10% of Lambplan and significantly reduced the birth weight breeding values of the Kentish Downs Poll Dorset stud.
2024 Sire Summary
Average TCP of the 2024 Sires is 163 ranking them in the top 1% of the industry in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database. The industry average for TCP is 138.
KD210033 - Is the number 1 ranked animal in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database for weaning weight and post weaning weight.
PEP180339 - Is the number 1 ranked sire in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database for eye muscle depth.
IVA190025 - The third ranked sire in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database for post weaning weight.
KD210553 - Ranked 13th in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database for lean meat yield.
PEP200303 - Is ranked 20th for TCP in the Poll Dorset Lambplan database and 15th for eating quality.